Month: October 2007

  • Facebook + Blogging = A Good Thing

    In the past two weeks it seems like my the number of Facebook friends has grown exponentially. Not only have I seen more and more of my friends, family and co-workers join, I am seeing more and more nurse bloggers join. As Martha Stewart would say, “It’s a good thing.” I am quite addicted. I…

  • A New Gig: An Update

    So now the job isn’t going to start until October 22nd. Apparently they have the paramedic and the nurse (yours truly) lined up but not the internist or the anesthesiologist. I had a feeling this might happen. To make up for my loss of hours the DON has asked me to come in and and…

  • Finally, I can sleep at night…

    Scientists may have found appendix’s purpose. “Seemingly useless organ may produce, protect good germs for your gut.”

  • You Just Gotta Love Viral Marketing

    (get it? VIRAL marketing – tee hee.)

  • Lazy Lab Tech, Breasts No More

    Cancer-free woman underwent double mastectomy because of lab mix-up Can you even begin to imagine what this woman is going through? I know we all sometimes complain about JCAHO, snarky lab techs, and having to check things once twice, and three times a specimen. But you read a story like this and it really brings…

  • Code Boundaries, part 2

    So I finally met with the DON for the Outpatient Center. She’s the one who was supposed to orient me at first but was too busy. I started out by telling her I was having second thoughts about the job and I needed some clarification. She told me that I would be part of team…