Month: April 2006
Ignorance is Bliss
It?s a beautiful sunny day. I?m working nights and I can?t sleep. There?s an ice cream truck outside playing a continuous loop of ?Pop goes the weasel.? May as well blog. I?ve had a frustrating experience lately with being the patient rather than the nurse. The good news is that my health benefits now entitle…
Nurse + AED salesman save a life
I should be so lucky. Time to by stock in companies that manufacter automatic defibrillators for the public.
Quality of Death
I watched someone die this morning. Ever since I started working in the MICU I’ve been curious about what a death looks like but ashamed to admit to this curiosity. I remember reading some time ago about a serial killer and how he murdered because he was so fascinated by looking into his victims eyes…
The Truth Hurts.
I just submitted my link to and was sent this reply: “We’d definitely love to have you, but are you planning on continuing to blog? I notice that you haven’t written in almost three weeks and only twice in the last two months.” Ouch. The truth hurts. Just why is it that I can?t…