Month: May 2007
Corzine’s Recovery: Where Were the Nurses?
The Center for Nursing Advocacy is finding fault with the New York Times’ coverage of Corzine’s recovery. Here’s the New York Times Article: (Here’s a tip: If you want to read an older article from NYT or WSJ but it requires a paid subscription, google the entire title of the article in quotes and you…
Nursing Students Rock the the
“We’re Bringing Nursing Back,” the video produced by Binghamton University Decker School of Nursing students and made popular on YouTube has now made its way to a government site… is a joint effort by the department of education and the department of labor to help people investigate career opportunities. If you click to the…
Climbing for Nurses
On May 24th, Dr. Patrick Hickey, nursing professor from University of South Carolina, successfully climbed Mount Everest to raise money for the Summit Scholarship fund for nurses. As he was climbing he sent updates to his blog, so you can see an overview of his adventure here. As he says on his blog: “In 1993…
Tell Us How You Really Feel
Take the Nursing2007 Job Satisfaction Survey. My 2 cents about the recent loss of 2 more great medical bloggers, Fatdoctor and Dr. Flea: I think it stinks. Blogging about your workplace is a dangerous thing. Throw in HIPPA compliance and it becomes even more treacherous. If only we could all be like dooce and get…
More Nursing News Than You Can Shake a Stick at.
Or whatever you have handy. PixelRN is continuing to scour the web for nursing info so you don’t have to! Check out Tuesday Newsday at
OrientedX3 + National Nurses Week News
I am now back in full swing with this site. This morning I am launching a new column called “The Pulse,” which highlights the latest posts from the nurse blogosphere. Check out the “Nurses Who Blog” list on the right hand column. These are the blogs that OrientedX3 subscribes too. If you have a nurse…