Month: February 2008
Did Hillary Clinton Really Say That Nurses Were Overpaid?
photo credit: ronnie44052 I’ve been getting a lot of google traffic lately from this particular phrase: “hillary clinton nurse overpaid” On first thought you would think I would welcome this traffic, because it might suggest that people are interested in a nurse blogger’s view of politics. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, at all. The most…
Google Me Healthy
Loved this “spirited” thread on Digg about Google’s plans for storing and accessing health records. Granted, some of the Digg users are a wee bit paranoid, (my favorite comment being “Hitler and Stalin were minor league compared to Page and Brin,”) it is a worthwhile discussion. It’s completely understandable for people to have questions about…
How to Stop Saying, “That Being Said”
Did you ever notice a phrase that you start to hear in one or two places, and then it starts to spread like wildfire to the point that every time you hear the phrase, you want to cringe? For me, the phrase That Being Said, is rapidly becoming just such a phrase. So I am…
Ticking Time Bombs
One of the reasons I like MICU nursing is the same reason I used to like it in the restaurant business when the hostess fills up your section on a busy Saturday night: It can’t get any worse than this. Let me explain. Working in the MICU, You will most likely get assigned two very…
Those Who Pull Sheaths
Question: What do you do with a recovery room nurse who has laryngitis? Answer: Teach her how to pull femoral artery sheaths. So my “flu” of last week petered out into a cold, and then eventually robbed me of my voice. I almost called in sick because of my inability to talk. Think about it.…
Dickies Scrubs: A Test Drive
I’ve always liked the Dickies brand for uniforms. They have a reputation for being very durable, and yet they also fit well and tend to be comfortable. So I was happy to take these scrubs out for a test drive. Today I’ll be reviewing the Dickies Hip Flip Boot Cut Pant along with the Dickies…