In the past two weeks it seems like my the number of Facebook friends has grown exponentially. Not only have I seen more and more of my friends, family and co-workers join, I am seeing more and more nurse bloggers join.
As Martha Stewart would say, “It’s a good thing.”
I am quite addicted. I was introduced to it during my summertime stint at Affinity Labs where I was strongly encouraged to have a Facebook presence. (It’s ironic, many employers are blocking facebook; it was fun to have a job where I was required to use it.) For those of you still resisting, trust me, it is not going away anytime soon. I predict that Facebook will eventually be bigger than Amazon, though not quite as big as Google.
As an avid follower of online communities in general, I must admit that I have been bingeing and purging spending some time on them lately. I started out with MomReality, and then joined CafeMom. I have also been spending time making Flickr friends.
Overall, I must say I seem to be wasting countless hours getting the most mileage on Facebook. My MICU friends always post photos of their wild and crazy nights out on the town and even though I am stuck here in Mommyland with the most amazing child of all time, I can live vicariously through them. (Yes, you too can have a “social life” without ever actually leaving your home!)
Anyhoo, here’s a tip I picked up from Keith at Digital Doorway. You can import your blog to your Facebook account using the “Notes” application. Just go to the listing of applications in the left sidebar and click on Notes, and then Note Settings. Look for where it says “Import a blog” on the right sidebar.
Since Keith is my facebook friend, I get a notification in my newsfeed whenever he updates his blog. It’s kind of cool. Yes, I know I can get the same effect by using google reader or bloglines, but I kind of like having blogger friends on facebook. With all the food fights, sheep throwing, and poking, they kind of add a little dignity to the whole thing.
Still not convinced? My favorite Brit Blogger, Max E Nurse, has started a Nurse Blogger’s Lounge at Facebook and it has a kick-ass Las Vegas style logo which yours truly designed…
C’mon. You know you want to.