Tag: hospice

  • What I Wish Every Family Knew About Hospice Care

    What I Wish Every Family Knew About Hospice Care

    After seven years as a hospice nurse, the hardest part of my job isn’t dealing with death – it’s watching families realize what hospice care actually entails. I see the same scene play out week after week: the shock, then disbelief, then panic when families understand they’ll be providing most of the hands-on care themselves.…

  • The Covid Diary that never was

    On March 20, 2020 I created a blog category called, “Covid Diary.” I had just come back from a vacation, and while I was away, the world had changed. COVID-19 went from being a blip on my news feed to a full on worldwide panic. I had this idea in my head that as a…

  • Step One: Model Calm Acceptance

    On March 7th my family and I left to go to Costa Rica for vacation. On the days leading up to our departure I (selfishly) kept hoping the COVID-19 numbers wouldn’t spike and we would be able to get onto the plane. My husband got laid off in January and we had paid for the…

  • A Tale of Entry Level Hospice Nursing.

    2016 was the year I finally broke into hospice nursing. I had taken a 6 year hiatus from nursing, in order to stay at home with my kids. I honestly wasn’t even sure if I wanted to keep being a nurse. But other job prospects seemed non-existent. The twins were in kindergarten. I had just…

  • Moral Distress in the ICU: Can you avoid it?

    Moral Distress in the ICU: Can you avoid it?

    There is no doubt that working in the ICU can be a source of moral distress. I’ve been spending the last few months doing hospice home care and I’ve been thinking about going back to the hospital for various reasons. The last time I worked as a nurse in the ICU was the summer of…