Should Nurses Pay for Parking?


As some of you may have noticed, I have been closely monitoring all nursing and healthcare related news for my other blog,

One of the things I have noticed is that there is an overwhelming majority of nursing related news articles coming from outside the US. Many of these come from the UK. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is either because (a) smaller American newspapers are not as adept at getting their newsfeeds onto google or (b) UK newspapers are writing more controversial (read: political) things about nurses. After reading this article I am definitely leading towards the latter:

Nurses face £300 bill for parking

NURSES face a £300-a-year bill to park their car at Glasgow hospitals – despite plans to slash proposed charges. Union leaders say nurses are angry over plans to introduce £25-a-month permits at four major sites in the city.

Is this newsworthy? I’ll let the readers decide. It did influence me to immediately calculate exactly how much I pay for parking at the Greatest Hospital Of All Time: $816 a year, which would convert to £414 in UK pounds. I’m not particularly happy about this. But if I were that outraged, I would have the opportunity to vote with my feet, either by attempting to park in the street (and risk getting mugged, getting a ticket, or just plain tardiness); or I could choose to work in a hospital that doesn’t charge employees to park.



