Random Things: I’ve been tagged!

Warning: This post has absolutely nothing to do with nursing. Thanks to BillyBob, my favorite liver blogger, for tagging me.

  1. I was born in Japan (on a naval base) and hope to one day return there for a visit.
  2. I once put all of my belongings in storage and went on a three month road trip across America. My favorite places were Taos, NM; Archer City, TX; Big Sur, CA; Key West, FL; and Amarillo, TX.
  3. I will forever be a frustrated artist who wished she could paint and draw well, or at least have an Etsy store. In the meantime, I will settle for my photography.
  4. I am addicted to sharpie permanent markers. I have them in every possible size, shape, and color.
  5. I once found a golden ladybug on the floor of a bakery in which I worked. The weird thing is that it would turn back into normal ladybug colors and then go back to gold. I kept it in a little plastic box with some blades of grass. One of my co-workers set it free. I hated him for that, even thought at the time I had a crush on him.
  6. Because I love blogs so much, I recently made a vow never to purchase another print magazine again. We will see how long this lasts.
  7. I can’t stop collecting baby food jars. No, I am not a hoarder, but for some reason I can’t seem to throw them away. They are just like these perfect little glass vessels. If anyone has any ideas for what I can do with them, please let me know.

I tag:

Bobby (We’ve heard 7 randoms things from Bobby’s liver. Now let’s here 7 random things from Bobby, himself!)


Nursing Zen

Nurse Ali


MJ@Nurse Ratched’s Place



