Climbing for Nurses

On May 24th, Dr. Patrick Hickey, nursing professor from University of South Carolina, successfully climbed Mount Everest to raise money for the Summit Scholarship fund for nurses.

As he was climbing he sent updates to his blog, so you can see an overview of his adventure here. As he says on his blog:

“In 1993 I climbed a mountain that would forever change my life. From that climb came a dream to conquer the 7 Summits of the World. Join me as I try to make that dream a reality; I have saved the biggest and best for the last… Mt Everest.”

His goal is to raise $29,035, or one dollar for every foot he climbs. So far he’s raised $7427, so we are hoping to get the word out via the nurse blogosphere so he can meet his goal.

Thanks to RN Someday for the tip!



