Just what is it that makes baby formula such a vile, disease-causing substance?

Moms Too Quick to Reach for Baby Bottle

Okay, I have two problems with this AP news story. First of all, I don’t need a man telling me I should breast feed. If men were the ones who actually performed the breast feeding, it would have become extinct a long time ago.

Secondly, please tell me why formula is so evil. All I got from this article was that “Formula isn’t as good at protecting babies against diseases, eczema and childhood obesity.”

To which I would respond:

1. Which diseases? I’d like some more specific evidence.
2. I’ll take my chances with the eczema.
3. I think I have some better strategies for preventing obesity. I’m thinking -stay with me on this one- proper nutrition and exercise. Sounds crazy but it just might work.

For those of you who did breast feed, I admire, applaud, and envy you. I, on the other hand, am not so admirable. I chose to feed my baby the vile, disease causing substance known as “formula.”

I made it through the first 10 days. I had several lactation consults in the hospital (all of who gave conflicting advice). I stuck it out for as long as I could. But one night I simply could not do it. I put my baby to my breast and took a deep breath, and it felt like someone was sticking 17 needles into my nipple simultaneously, and so I said, enough. I had some formula tucked away in the back of the closet so I decided to give my baby some. It was the middle of the night and I felt so illicit – like I was giving my little one whiskey. Anyway, he gulped it down and finally, for the first time in his young life, he appeared satisfied. After that I dutifully tried pumping so I could at least give him some more breast milk. I would pump for 30 minutes and get one scant ounce. What exactly was the point of it, I wondered.

So I told my pediatrician. She laughed at my whiskey metaphor and told me that she too had actually fed one of her children formula while she was a resident at GHOAT and one of the other residents actually had the nerve to sanctimoniously say to her “You are a pediatrician. How could you?”

At any rate, I think this kid is getting the last laugh:


4 months and 1 week old, and thus far, eczema, obesity, and disease free. I’m crossing my fingers it will continue that way.



