Top 25 Nursing Blogs

Okay, don’t ask me how I pulled this off, but I’ve somehow ranked #8 on this list. I feel like I’ve been totally slacking with this blog, so I’m a bit surprised but hey, I’ll take it. Nothing like a little bit of flattery to pull me back into the blogging game.

Speaking of games and blogging, I am taking up the gauntlet for Shane’s new contest over at I thought I was done with the whole nursing forum thing but hey, throw an iPhone into the mix and I’m ready to rethink my position. Plus, being a stay at home mom and a computer nerd puts me at a distinct advantage… Wait… what’s that smell? Does baby need a diaper change? Hold on kiddo, Mamma’s trying to win us an iPhone!

(For more about the iPhone contest at please click here. It’s sponsored by

I am still in the market for a part-time nursing job. I signed up for an agency but nothing has materialized yet. Maybe it is time for me to check out (Like how I snuck that in? I am shameless I tell ya, just shameless.)



