Bumbo Recall

It seems like you hear about toy recalls every week now. Being a new mother I knew it was only a matter of time before one affected me. Here is Baby Ben last summer in his dangerous Bumbo Baby Seat, which has just been recalled:


Apparently the Bumbo Seats are only dangerous if you use them on a table, countertop, chair or other elevated surface, and if you contact the Bumbo company they will send you a warning sticker to put on the Bumbo. I bought mine last summer and here is the warning that was printed on it:


The problem is that the warning is only 4cm by 8cm and I honestly didn’t even pay attention to it until a month or two after I bought the thing.

I always had a bad feeing about this Bumbo Seat. When I first bought it I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, because I could finally put Ben in a position other than lying down. But it was way too tempting to put him on a raised surface. I used to put him on my kitchen counter top while I made dinner or washed the dishes. I also used to feed Ben in his Bumbo before he was big enough to fit into a highchair, but then he got to the point where he could just roll right out of the thing so I stopped using it. At any rate, I’m glad that Ben has not suffered any skull injuries from the precarious Bumbo. Next time, however, I think I’ll trust my instincts.


(Okay, now I am reading Bumbo posts from all over the Internet, with people saying, “How could anyone be so STUPID as to put the Bumbo on a KITCHEN COUNTER.” Hi, that’s me. I’m that stupid. I might have to go undercover for a few days to hide from child protective services. I’ll keep you posted. I’m sure glad I didn’t say anything about the time I left the Bumbo on top of my car and drove away with Ben on top, or the time that Bill was cleaning out the rain gutters and we let Ben watch from high atop the roof sitting on his Bumbo. And I definitely want to keep it under wraps that I strapped the Bumbo to my dog and let Ben ride on the back. Shhh, don’t tell anyone!)



