• Ready or snot, here we come!

    Question: What do Respiratory Therapists do for fun? Answer: Compete in the Texas Sputum Bowl. via holaolah See what interesting posts you can find by using twitter? ( ;

  • Nurses on Twitter, Twitter on Nurses

    Why would a nurse want to use twitter? First things first, what is twitter? Quite simply, it’s a microblogging tool. Think you have something witty/amusing/relevant to say and can get it in under 140 characters? Then twitter is for you. Want to connect with a community of people without having to write long, drawn out…

  • Breathing New Life into OrientedX3

    If you go take a look at Orientedx3, you’ll see I’ve been performing some much needed CPR on it. It’s definitely a work in progress, as there is much to be done as far as the style and substance are concerned. But I thought it would be great if all of you out there could…

  • EKG Interpretation: The Tap Dance Way

    Check out this cute video of University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing faculty and students demonstrating the art of EKG interpretation through tap dancing. Now if they could throw a Wenckebach in there, I’d really be impressed. (via Beka at Medscape Nurses) It was recently brought to my attention by my dear friend Max that…

  • Back to the MICU, and back to Liverland

    So this MICU shift was very difficult after all, and it wasn’t for the reasons that I suspected. I thought it would be the tasks that got me down, i.e. not enough time to get things done. Surprise, surprise, turns out it was the patients. Imagine a patient with End Stage Live Disease. She currently…

  • Back to the MICU

    So I’ve had an ab fab week of being a stay at home mom, and caring for my one year old wonder. I’ve also made some progress on my Orientedx3 redesign, and I hope to be able to launch it in a week or two. I won’t get into too much detail here, but suffice…