Back to the MICU

So I’ve had an ab fab week of being a stay at home mom, and caring for my one year old wonder. I’ve also made some progress on my Orientedx3 redesign, and I hope to be able to launch it in a week or two. I won’t get into too much detail here, but suffice it to say that it’s going to be a very cool way to explore nursing related content, with blogs in the forefront.

I’m also working on building some WordPress themes from scratch and it’s been a really fun and invigorating project. A project that makes me feel as though I am getting closer to being a successful web designer, and farther away from being an unhappy nurse.

One kind of cool but geeky thing I realized is that PixelRN is on page one of a google search for “nursing websites.” It’s kind of meaningful to me because I’ve always believed that nurse bloggers are putting out the best nursing related content on the web, and most of the other nursing websites are light years behind us. It’s also meaningful because the way I discovered nurse blogging was by doing a google search on “nursing websites.” In a way it makes me feel like this blog has come full circle.

At any rate, I am working a shift in the MICU tomorrow, my first time since last summer. I have a feeling it’s going to be a make or break kind of a shift, in that I am either going to rediscover my passion for working in the ICU, or I will be reminded why I wasn’t so keen on going back there in the first place. More importantly, I hope I remember how to care for really, really sick people. I’ve been fetching ginger ale and crackers for post cardiac cath patients for far too long now, and I’m worried that I might have lost my edge.

On the other hand, I may have gained an edge. I can now start IVs, and the turn ‘n’ burn atmosphere of the recovery room has made me hone my time management skills. Either way it should be interesting, but not too interesting, if you know what I mean.






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