• Liverland

    As the warm weather sets in we see less and less pneumonia in the MICU which can only mean one thing. Liver season!!! It?s so strange how liver disease comes in waves. Four beds, side by side, in the MICU have liver patients. I started calling my end of the hallway liver alley. Which leads…

  • Ignorance is Bliss

    It?s a beautiful sunny day. I?m working nights and I can?t sleep. There?s an ice cream truck outside playing a continuous loop of ?Pop goes the weasel.? May as well blog. I?ve had a frustrating experience lately with being the patient rather than the nurse. The good news is that my health benefits now entitle…

  • Nurse + AED salesman save a life

    I should be so lucky. Time to by stock in companies that manufacter automatic defibrillators for the public.

  • Quality of Death

    I watched someone die this morning. Ever since I started working in the MICU I’ve been curious about what a death looks like but ashamed to admit to this curiosity. I remember reading some time ago about a serial killer and how he murdered because he was so fascinated by looking into his victims eyes…

  • The Truth Hurts.

    I just submitted my link to nursingvoices.com and was sent this reply: “We’d definitely love to have you, but are you planning on continuing to blog? I notice that you haven’t written in almost three weeks and only twice in the last two months.” Ouch. The truth hurts. Just why is it that I can?t…

  • Night and Day

    Let me start by saying this: I love my job and I love my unit. I do, however have one, not so small grievance. I am a salaried nurse. What this means is that I am required to work rotating 12 hour shifts. I work 20 of these shifts in a 6 week period. Thirteen…