• What I love about Nurse Blogs

    Sequence of Events: 6/27/07 Google creates a Health Advisory Board and announces it on their blog. 6/28/07 Kim At Emergiblog posts about the fact that Google has failed to include nurses. 6/28/07 Kevin, MD posts a summary of reactions from the medical blogosphere to Google’s Health Advisory Board. A lively discussion ensues on various medical…

  • Watch What You Say on Those Messageboards

    Looks like trash-talkin your rivals is the latest Internet sport for CEOs. Whole Foods CEO John Mackey is taking heat for posting about his rival, Wild Oats on some financial messageboards. On that note, make sure you pay a visit to the NursingLink message boards today. We are much more civil over there.

  • Nurse Ratched, Blogger Icon

    A funny thing happened the other day. I was watching TV and a commercial came on for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I saw Louise Fletcher and my immediate thought was, “Hey, it’s NurseRatched, the blogger!” Yes, folks, I know it wasn’t actually NurseRatched the blogger, but my subconscious told me otherwise. And then…

  • Change of Shift…

    … is up at NJO this week. As usual, Kim did a excellent job (I can heartily say that now that I actually know how much work goes into it!) and it looks like there are quite a few new submitters.

  • Nurse Blog Survey Results

    The results are in! At the last Change of Shift I asked everyone to fill out the first Nurse Blogger Survey. Here are the results. Why do you Blog? And interesting question… As you can see, the overwhelming majority of you said, “It’s personally satisfying.” And the next common answer was that you like to…

  • SiCKO: Internet, what say you?

    Geena from code blog has written a great article on “Sicko” at NursingLink. She has managed to capture all the different takes on Sicko that have been surfacing over the Internet the past few weeks. (and there are many!) Also, at NursingLink there is a very lively discussion going on about Sicko. Which country has…