The results are in! At the last Change of Shift I asked everyone to fill out the first Nurse Blogger Survey. Here are the results.
Why do you Blog? And interesting question…
As you can see, the overwhelming majority of you said, “It’s personally satisfying.” And the next common answer was that you like to get feedback from other bloggers. Also on the subject of getting feedback, 62% of you occasionally participate in nursing forums and message boards. In addition, there were some interesting write-in answers to the question, “Why do you blog?”
- To return the favor…give other bloggers something to read!
- I want the world to know what nurses do!!
How often do you post in your blog?
Roughly half of you post more than once a week and the other half post weekly or monthly. I was not surprised to learn that not one of you post every day. Blogging is a time consuming process!
Advertising and Revenue
As far as advertising and revenue is concerned, 69% use no advertising what so ever, 23% of you use google adwords, and 15% use another form of advertising. However I think the next question is telling in that the same 69% of you that advertise also report that the revenue you receive is “too little to mention.” There was not a single blogger that reported earning more than $30 a month. This makes me wonder why anyone would even bother with ads. It’s also an interesting question because in the past month I have been contacted by three different companies requesting ad space on PixelRN.
How often do you blog about things that are not related to nurses?
So the majority of you do blog about non-nursing topics. And why not? After all, that’s part of the allure of blogging – it’s your blog so you can write about whatever you want. And that leads to my next question:
Do your co-workers know? Do they care?
62% reported that your co-workers have no idea that you blog, and 31% of you reported that your co-workers know about your blog but are not interested in it. I was not surprised by this at all. Many of my co-workers in the MICU have told me that they often ignore their emails, and they generally do not spend much time on the Internet.
But alas, 77% of you reported that you feel it is somewhat to very important to get other nurses to start reading blogs. Step one: We need to get nurses to actually open their email!! ( :
Compiling this survey has been very interesting and I hope it has been interesting to you. As always I welcome your feedback. If enough people are interested, I have some more questions in mind and so I may do another poll next week.