• I Am a Ghoatee

    So one of my colleagues actually approached me at work and said, “I found your blog.” You don’t know how elated this made me feel! It sucks to be so anonymous all the time. But now I can heartily confirm that the apathy and disinterest in nursing blogs is much less widespread than I thought.…

  • It’s never to early to learn to learn how to save lives…

    Just ask Geena, nurse blogger extraordinare and infant ACLS instructor.

  • Just what is it that makes baby formula such a vile, disease-causing substance?

    Moms Too Quick to Reach for Baby Bottle Okay, I have two problems with this AP news story. First of all, I don’t need a man telling me I should breast feed. If men were the ones who actually performed the breast feeding, it would have become extinct a long time ago. Secondly, please tell…

  • Humpty Nurse-y

    If you’ve read this blog before, you might know of my disdain for nurse tchotchkes. I’ve been doing some thinking on this and I’ve had a change of heart. I have decided to embrace the nurse tchotchke, and show you some of the more, *ahem* creative offerings. This one is one of the more bizarre…

  • Thanking Libya for Torturing the Bulgarian Nurses?

    As some of you may know, the Bulgarian nurses returned safely home on July 24th after 9 long years of imprisonment and torture in Libya. The Center for Nursing Advocacy has been covering this story from the beginning and they are to be commended for that. However, I read something on their site the other…

  • Dear Patient

    Dear Patient: I am so sorry that I broke your ribs last night. I really wish I hadn’t. You see, someone made a decision on your behalf that if you stop breathing, we won’t put you on a ventilator, but we will do chest compressions if you don’t have a pulse. The problem is that…