So one of my colleagues actually approached me at work and said, “I found your blog.”
You don’t know how elated this made me feel! It sucks to be so anonymous all the time.
But now I can heartily confirm that the apathy and disinterest in nursing blogs is much less widespread than I thought. There actually is a person at Ghoat that reads nursing blogs!
I had to give up some of my anonymity during my brief stint at NursingLink, and surprisingly enough, this did not cause the avalanche of visitors to PixelRN that I expected. At any rate, I’ve continued to stay mum on the blog, which is difficult, considering how brilliantly insightful my posts have been lately.
The best of all though, was her comment on working at Ghoat, (the Greatest Hospital of All Time, or so I am told by Human Resources).
“So if we work at Ghoat, does that make us Ghoatees?”
Say it loud and say it proud! I am a Ghoatee!