• Low FODMAP Diet for IBS

    Low FODMAP Diet for IBS

    Nurses need to stay current in the latest nutrional trends, and how they relate to the treatment of GI disorders. With that in mind, here is everything a nurse needs to know about using the low FODMAP Diet for treating IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome.)

  • What PPE should be used when caring for an Ebola patient?

    There’s been a lot of chatter on twitter as far as whether hospitals are doing enough to protect nurses who come in contact with an Ebola patient. I’ve also seen the sentiment that we shouldn’t be spreading fear, because Ebola isn’t an airborne virus. And the rallying cry that, “Protocols work if we follow them…

  • So You Want to Quit Nursing

    So You Want to Quit Nursing

    You’ve tried being a nurse in different care areas. You’ve tried changing your attitude. Meditation, spiritual guides, life coaches, self-help books. And alcohol, lots of alcohol. Despite all of these interventions, you’ve come to the conclusion that you aren’t really feeling the love anymore. You’re ready to to quit nursing.

  • A Quiet (Loud) Voice in Nurse Blogging

    I’ve been inconsistent about following nurse blogs lately. But last week the domain name for NurseRiver was up for renewal and I asked myself, is it really worth the money for the 4-5 people who visit it each week? I was leaning towards no, but then I came across Amanda Anderson’s post, “A Nurses Day…

  • The Retreat from (and return to) Blogging

    I’ve been thinking about NotNurseRatched’s post about the state of nurses in social media. I’ve definitely retreated from social media for some of the reasons she describes (incivility, name-calling, pitchfork wielding), but the truth is that I want back in. I love blogging. How much sense does it make to give up something you love…

  • The Cost of Implementing EMRs

    A NYT article today points out some of the current problems with digitizing health records. It focuses on the potential for fraud and abuse by hospitals around coding and billing. But what about the potential for abuse by the companies that sell EMR technology?