• It’s good to have a nurse or two around

    According to this story: Man’s arm bitten off by gator in South Carolina The man stumbled onto a group of picnickers with his arm missing and his wound gushing blood. Luckily there were 5 nurses among them who put his wound on ice and kept him awake until help arrived. He’s currently in critical condition…

  • You asked for it…

    Check out this screenshot: You guys are going to get to get so sick of me in the next few weeks. ( : I am taking nursingvoices.com by storm. Also I’d like to present the Nursingjobs.org job of the day: Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesist (CRNA) – $15,000 sign Hmmm. Maybe I should look into jobs…

  • Top 25 Nursing Blogs

    Okay, don’t ask me how I pulled this off, but I’ve somehow ranked #8 on this list. I feel like I’ve been totally slacking with this blog, so I’m a bit surprised but hey, I’ll take it. Nothing like a little bit of flattery to pull me back into the blogging game. Speaking of games…

  • My Security Blanket

    Yes, this blog been quite dormant for the past few weeks, and also devoid of nursing stories. I’m afraid that my little escapade with NursingLink has left me burned out on all nursing-related content. And yet, I’m not at all burned out on actual nursing. In fact, I kind of miss it. I’m going on…

  • I do love sunsets.

    Springfield Mall, Sunday Night, 1997 Originally uploaded by pixelrn

  • I’m finally learning how to use my damn camera.

    Sunset Stripes Originally uploaded by pixelrn