Yes, this blog been quite dormant for the past few weeks, and also devoid of nursing stories. I’m afraid that my little escapade with NursingLink has left me burned out on all nursing-related content. And yet, I’m not at all burned out on actual nursing. In fact, I kind of miss it.
I’m going on a much needed vacation this week but when I return I will begin working for a staffing agency that is run internally by GHOAT. What this means is that I will be earning agency bucks but will still have the pleasure of working within the walls of the Greatest Hospital of All Time. What I won’t have is the security blanket of working in the MICU. I will be venturing out to other areas such as the CCU, the ER and perhaps the PACU. I am hoping that this new venture will give me more to write about.
In the meantime I am considering renting a U-haul so I can get all this baby stuff to the Jersey Shore for a week. Just how does such a small being require so much luggage?