• Surprise! I love being a nurse again.

    Having trouble keeping up with my love-hate relationship with nursing? That’s okay, so am I. The good news is that I love it again. I’m almost halfway through my MICU contract and things are going surprisingly well. They didn’t quite start out that way. Here’s a synopsis: Week 1: In the weeds. All the time.…

  • I am still here.

    I’ll be going back to the MICU for a contract that starts at the end of April. For a variety of reasons. Still twittering at times but overall have been feeling burned out on the whole social media thing. I made the mistake of following a bunch of Chris Brogan types and all of a…

  • And you thought your Nursing Orientation was difficult

    The other day I was talking to a veteran CCU nurse. She told me that she worked at the hospital where the first defibrillations were studied and performed. Like many health care studies, the testing was done on animals – dogs in this case. She then went on to tell me that one of the…

  • BlogHer DC Wrap-up

    On Monday I attended BlogHer DC, put on by the good folks at Blogher. This was an excellent event. I’ll admit, I went there with skepticism. This whole google wordpress drama has kind of put me into a existential tailspin with regards to blogging, plus I never really got the whole “BlogHer” thing. Really the…

  • Blogging Under the Influence: How a glass of wine (or 2) can make you a better blogger.

    (creative commons image courtesy of slack 12) One of the great benefits of attending Blog World Expo 2008 was all of the great advice and inspiration I got that will help me to keep on blogging. Hands down, my favorite blogging advice was dispensed by Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week: Talk to…

  • I like to help people. So sue me.

    You are a nurse. You are out in public, going about your business and you see a person in distress, or a situation where someone has been harmed or injured in some way. What would you do? I had a conversation with some fellow nurses yesterday that I found kind of surprising. Someone was cursing…