• My First Cardioversion

    It seems like every time I take a class (and there are many offered at GHOAT), whatever I have learned about I will soon see in action in the MICU. Last week I took the ACLS certification course. So naturally I came to work the next day fully expecting to either shock someone or perhaps…

  • Angels in the MICU?

    I did not have a good feeling about this patient. She was what was known as a “trainwreck,” something wrong with every system. Had an operation, many complications, slow recovery, rehab in a nursing home. When I went in to assess her though, she was not intubated and was able to communicate her needs to…

  • Death is Not Necessarily The End.

    The patient was admitted to me from the ER around midnight. I remembered him from a previous MICU stay. He was very sick with a terminal condition and he had not been taking his medications. When he came to me he was wide awake, talking, asking to get out of bed. I felt as if…

  • I’m back and I have news…

    It’s been awhile, I know. Let me fill you in. As some of you may know from reading an earlier post, I was beginning a round of IVF. Well, it worked! I am currently 11 weeks pregnant. Despite the frustration in the beginning, when it actually came time to do the egg retrieval and the…

  • Change of Shift

    Okay, I’m a a little late in the game (these 12 hour shifts are killing me) but here it is… Change of Shift is the new nursing blog carnival started by Kim over at Emergiblog. Kim is one of the God-mommas of nursing bloggery and she has done an excellent job of putting all of…

  • Round One: It’s a Tough Business

    About a month ago I was ready to quit the MICU. Instead I decided to stay and “fight the good fight.” So here’s round one: On Monday I assume care of a patient who’s going on day 90 in the MICU. I know her story well; I’ve take care of her at day 18, day…