• Switching Teams

    It’s kind of late in the game, I know. But I’ve switched teams. I’ve gone from an OB practice to a nurse midwife practice. At around 30 weeks I started to thing about taking a birthing class. I procrastinated because (a) I don’t have much spare time and (b) I’m just not a classroom kind…

  • Nesting? or not…

    I feel great this week – I’m motivated, I have energy, my mood is good… “Sounds like she’s reached the nesting phase of her pregnancy,” many of you might be thinking. Actually it’s more like, “I called in sick twice this week and now I realize just how much working in the MICU strips me…

  • My Medical Nightmares

    Warning: this content may be somewhat disturbing. On a more positive note, maybe I should try auditioning as a story developer for “House.” These are some actual nightmares that I’ve had recently: I have this patient. I know that he is extremely sick and dying. I have a sense that his insides are decomposing even…

  • Things I Can’t Live Without

    I’ve been tagged by Shane over at nursingjobs.org. I am to tell you the the 4 things I can’t live without, followed by the thing that I covet. I immediately thought about material things (my scrubs? my stethescope? my clogs? The latest Prada bag?), followed by things of sustenance (Hazelnut latte? Donuts? Toasted Onion bagel?…

  • My Favorite Time of Day…

    What else could it be? It’s the new Change of Shift. I love change of shift. It means I get to go home and put my feet up and make my cankles go away. Warning: this change of shift may make you crave pink frosted cupcakes.

  • Working Mothers

    “I would be seriously crying before I went onstage. I didn’t know how I was going to get through the tour, putting on nine costume changes on a stage in front of 12,000 people every night. And I didn’t want people to know (I was pregnant). I didn’t want to become The Gwen Freak Circus…