• I Heart Pulmonolgists

    Before I became a nurse I had a completely different view of doctors. Because of my stellar health (or more likely, lack of health insurance) I tended to avoid them. What little exposure I had of doctors came from waiting on them in an upscale restaurant. You’d have a group of docs, sitting around a…

  • My Name is Beth and I am a Gestational Diabetic

    The good news: post-bagel blood sugar = 103. The bad news: I went hogwild and had stromboli + ginger ale for dinner. Post dinner blood sugar? 153. Yikes. Okay, I am officially accepting my diagnosis of gestational diabetes. I will officially eat some crow. Crow is probably high in protein with low carbs, and therefore…

  • My Glucose Woes, Part 2

    Actually, this is not what I had for breakfast; it’s just some sugar-free peeps hanging out in the morning sunshine. I’ve been checking out the sugar-free selections lately and I just couldn’t resist these, out of shear curiosity. Some products are not meant to be made without sugar, particularly the ones where SUGAR IS THE…

  • My Glucose Woes, Part 1

    An acquaintance who recently found out she was pregnant for the first time asked me for any advice I had to pass along. I thought for a long moment and there was really just one thing I could come up with: NEVER EAT A BAGEL BEFORE YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE GLUCOSE CHALLENGE TEST. Let…

  • Score Another Point for Concierge Medicine…

    Just got back from my (former) OB’s office. Seems that they still have not released over my medical records to the midwife. They’ve had three weeks to do so. They told me that I had to fill out their form (rather than accepting my midwife’s form which I had already submitted to them) and then…

  • Concierge Medicine: How Much Would You Pay for Your Doctor’s Cell Phone Number?

    I have been asked to review a product, “Concierge Medicine” offered at MDVIP.com. This is rather timely given my last post, expressing my less than satisfying experience with my OB practice. So on to this concierge medicine. What does it offer me as a patient? There are some things that I found appealing. First of…