• Why Being Alive is Not Necessarily Required for Hospital Admittance…

    Medics baffled as ‘dead’ man found breathing So the patient arrested, was worked on for 30 minutes, but to no avail. He was pronounced dead, but then started breathing again as he was being prepared for the morgue. Yes, folks this actually happens. I’ve never actually seen it happen with such a good outcome, (usually…

  • A Little Shout-out for Informatics Nurses…

    Do computers make our jobs easier? It depends on where you are on the learning curve. If you ask a nurse who has just been handed a new technology to use the answer will be a resounding, “NO!!” Ask the same nurse a few months later and the answer may be a less resounding, “Well……

  • How Many Nursing Students Does it Take to Determine That a Patient is Dead?

    Peruse this story, if you will, and when you come back I will share my own story: Student nurses ‘left unsupervised with patients’ Okay, so this story about nursing students’ lack of supervision has surfaced in the UK recently. I was prepared to read about something shocking, like say a nursing student who was left…

  • Ode to Nursing from a Nurse

    I’ve always loved being a patient. Perhaps that’s why I became a nurse. (Of course, it’s easy for me to like being a patient when the only things I have ever been hospitalized for were a tonsilecomy and the birth of my son.) And I’ve always loved hospitals, the same way that I love airports.…

  • Why Choose Critical Care Nursing?

    Someone recently asked me why I chose to specialize in critical care. I gave him my stock answer which is this: As a student, I got the impression that if you can be successful in critical care, then you can pretty much be successful at any kind of nursing. Later on I was pondering this…

  • Please excuse my lack of blogging…

    Here’s my excuse: Born March 26th. 8 pounds even… Yes, we are so in love with him and his name is Benjamin. Remember Switching Teams? Well, I started out in the birthing center but after 24 hours of intense labor I was rushed to the hospital (in an underground tunnel nonetheless!) where I received “the…