• Change of Shift 5.3.07

    Change of Shift @ emergiblog

  • When More is Not Enough…

    Finally, there’s a treatment for Dysphoric Social Attention Consumption Deficit Anxiety Disorder (DSACDAD). Just thought you should know.

  • As Seen on TV, part 2

    A recent comment from a not so recent post… I’m curently in an MN program and taking a research class. My research question is “Are nursing students influenced by television nursing characters in their career choice?” Anyone care to comment? Let me be the first to chime in: NO. The first “grown-up” TV show I…

  • They May Be the Hottest Nurses…

    …but how fast can they start an IV? The ever vigilant Center for Nursing Advocacy has brought it to my attention that the honorable firefighters and EMTs of my town have participated in a poll to determine which hospital has the hottest nurses. How dare they! Thankfully we have Laura Vozzella of the Baltimore Sun…

  • Think your nursing board is too strict?

    National nursing board forsakes caring attitude Nurse graduate, Jenny Powell missed her chance to take the NCLEX because her mother unexpectedly died the morning before she was scheduled to take the test. When asked if she could be given a break the National Council of State Boards of Nursing said, “No.” And you wonder how…

  • High Tech Answer to the Lack of Nurses

    The New Hampshire Telehealth Program’s answer to the nursing shortage… When they learn to do dressing changes this way I’m going to start looking for a new job.