• Nurse Practitioner runs Palliative Care Service

    There’s a great article over on NursingLink today about Joan Panke, a nurse practitioner that is the coordinator at George Washington University Hospital. It describes specific examples of how patients are benefiting from palliative care services at GW. There was one part of the article that perplexed me, though: Not all health economists or policymakers…

  • Google Health Board Fails to include Nurses

    Google announced the creation of a new health advisory board yesterday, as reported on the Google blog. The list of “talented people with extensive backgrounds in health and technology” failed to include a single nurse. The mission of the board is to “help us better understand the problems consumers and providers face every day and…

  • Change of Shift is up at NursingLink this week!

    Here is the perma-link… nursinglink.com/news/articles/400-change-of-shift-at-nursinglink Please spread the word!

  • Change of Shift At NursingLink

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still accepting submissions for Change of Shift. You can send a submission to “beth at pixelrn dot com”, or you can submit it directly to the Blog Carnival Site. Please submit them no later than noon on Wednesday. This is a very special Change of…

  • NursingLink: The Nation’s Nursing Community

    NursingLink.com is live! Come and try it out, fellow nurse bloggers, before the rest of the world gets the official announcement. Let me know what you think!

  • Major PixelRN Announcement

    Remember this post about the lack of a great centralized nursing web community? Well, it turns out someone else was listening. I have been hired by Affinity Labs to oversee a new nursing web community! Affinity Labs is a very exciting company focused on building digital communities. Our founder and CEO, Chris Michel, started Military.com…