• Code Boundaries, part 2

    So I finally met with the DON for the Outpatient Center. She’s the one who was supposed to orient me at first but was too busy. I started out by telling her I was having second thoughts about the job and I needed some clarification. She told me that I would be part of team…

  • It’s Time for Showcase Showdown!

    Change of Shift is up at madness: tales of an emergency nurse I sure do miss this show, and am ever so grateful that it was not made unholy by replacing the retired Bob Barker with Rosie O’Donnell. Thanks, Girlvet, for bringing back the memories.

  • Code Boundaries

    I showed up for my first day of orientation for the “emergency response team” assignment. The person who was supposed to orient me was not scheduled to work that day so instead someone gave me a tour of the out patient center and showed me the boundaries for the code team, and then I just…

  • Great Blue Heron

    Great Blue Heron Originally uploaded by pixelrn

  • ACLS: Dumbed Down or Tidied up?

    There’s a great post over at First Do No Harm about recerting for ACLS. She points out that the recertification process has been dumbed down because a lot of the previous drugs that were taught have been eliminated and the new emphasis is on effective and timely chest compressions. I took this course less than…

  • Another Reason to Love (or Hate) Web 2.0

    It’s been less than 48 hours after Andrew Meyers was tasered at a University of Florida John Kerry appearance and you can already buy the “Don’t Taze Me, Bro!” t-shirt at cafepress. Apparently it’s quickly becoming the new catch phrase, as in: YOU: “PixelRn, That was the most disgusting chili I’ve ever tasted!” PixelRN: “Don’t…