• My Pretty Pathogens

    Need some Christmas gift ideas? These fuzzballs hail from Giant Microbes. Their motto? “We make stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes.” Hmmm. If that’s not a Long Tail business model, then I’m not sure what is. They also feature the ebola virus as well as one of my personal favs, streptococcus pyogenes (flesh-eating bacteria).…

  • A Quartzsite Story

    My Favorite Creamer Originally uploaded by pixelrn Time for a photography break. I found this post a while ago on how to build a $10 lightbox and I finally built one this week. I’ve been having some fun lately with table top photography and this is simply taking it to the next step. Taking these…

  • Nursing Shortage: Fact of Fiction?

    From yesterday’s Baltimore Sun: In an effort to ease a worsening nursing shortage, state hospital and university leaders announced an ambitious plan yesterday to double the number of registered nurses educated in Maryland in two years. The Cost: 59 million in 2 years, 2/3 to be footed by the state gov’t, the rest by private…

  • “And Muzak Filled the Air…”

    Something I noticed last weekend while doling out the flu shots were some dulcet tones drifting through the ER. It reminded me of three things: Elevator Music An ice skating rink, circa 1953. “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.” I wondered if it was standard to have piped in Muzak in the ER. If it…

  • Desperate Times Call for Desperate Nurses

    While giving flu shots over the weekend I was talking to another nurse about how I came by this job, and also about my other job at the outpatient center. I said, “It’s great. I work these 4 hour shifts and it’s like I’m not even working.” “So what you’re saying is, you don’t really…

  • The Original iPhone

    Here’s picture of me and my new best friend, the iPhone. I won him in the contest sponsored by nursingjobs.org and nursingvoices.com. Oh, the joy that he brings! Now I can blog from the road (not that I actually ever go anywhere.) To be honest with you, the coolest thing about it is I can…