• Can The Flu Shot Make You Sick?

    Ever since writing about my flu shot gig, I have been googled numerous times for key phrases involving flu shots. Between that, and all the people who ask me, “Is this gonna make me sick?” I feel compelled to set the record straight, so here are some FLU FAQs for you. What are the adverse…

  • A Nurse’s Story

    Here’s an interesting review of this book from someone who’s not a nurse. I read this book last summer and I was in awe of how well she captures the ICU experience. I felt as though she could have been one of my co-workers. I would especially recommend this book to nursing students who are…

  • Thank You, Marc Andreesen

    Marc Andreesen and his wife, Laura, are giving a $27.5 million gift to enhance Stanford Hospital. The purpose? To upgrade Stanford’s ER, and also to fund an Emergency facility in the new hospital that Stanford will build. So who is Marc Andreesen? Back in the 90’s he founded a pretty cool little web browser called…

  • You’re Soaking In It

    Hands down one of the best commercials of all time: http://youtube.com/v/_bEkq7JCbik If you have, in fact, seen this commercial before – congratulations! You were born in the 70’s, or perhaps even earlier. I just noticed that when Madge is soaking her client’s dishpan hands in Palmolive, she says, “When I see your hands, I wish…

  • Lolsquirrels

    lolsquirrel Originally uploaded by pixelrn Photo taken in my backyard. Lol-ized by fd’s Flickr Toys.

  • Will the UN ever take human rights seriously?

    The UN continues to pave the way to it’s own obsolescence. According to them you can lock up your political dissidents and throw away the key but as long as you feed them you get praise from the UN: UN praises Cuba’s ability to feed people As health care professionals we are often reminded that…