• Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act

    Have you ever felt unsafe at work because of unsafe staffing? It’s something we’ve heard time and time again from nurses in every specialty. And this is not just nurses complaining about being overworked or too busy. Studies have shown that the health of patients in hospitals is directly proportionate to the number of registered…

  • Reflections of a Male Nurse

    Wonder what it was like to be a male nurse in the 70’s? Peter MacCartney tells all. And kudos to Peter for showing us his nurse registration photo, circa 1978!

  • What is Forensic Nursing?

    Ever wonder what forensic nursing is all about? My impression was that it falls somewhere between CSI Miami and working in a prison handing out meds. Turns out there’s a lot more to this field. Here’s an interesting article about Linda Richards, a nurse who heads a Sexual Assault Response Team at Santa Clara Valley…

  • Michael Vick: Don’t get any ideas!

    Every once in awhile a story comes along that has absolutely nothing to do with nursing, but I just can’t resist sharing it with you. This is one of those stories: Man in India Marries Dog to Atone for Stoning to Death Mating Canines You know, I did run over a squirrel once, with my…

  • 5 Websites to Help You Survive Nursing School

    Anyone who’s been through nursing school knows that it can be one of the most challenging times in your life. You need good resources to help you get through. The Internet is flooded with nursing websites which look good on the surface, but in the end they are short on relevant information. The top four…

  • Second Life used in Nursing School

    This is a Second Life screenshot of an ED simulator used to teach nursing students at Tacoma Community College. To learn more visit John Miller’s blog.