• The Case for Going Straight to IVF

    As some of my readers may know, my son was conceived through IVF. The reason for our infertility was never diagnosed and so my husband and I wanted to go straight to IVF. Luckily we found a doctor who agreed with this approach, and we were successful on the first try. Here is an excellent…

  • The Flu Vaccine and Guillian-Barre

    A couple weeks ago I asked if the flu shot can make you sick. This week I am asking if the flu shot can give you Guillian-Barre syndrome (GBS). Here is a scary story about someone who suspects she got Guillian-Barre from a flu shot. It’s very ominous to me because although the CDC doesn’t…

  • Scathing Remarks About Nursing

    Nursing not a hot career choice today My favorite quote is, “I’m not burned out. I’m cremated.” I also like being reminded that on average, an elevator installer makes more money than I do. Although when you really think about it, elevator installers have people lives in their hands as well.

  • Flu Vaccine Mix-up

    Nurses Claim Company Administers Adult Vaccines To Children So here’s the story: Two nurses working in a clinic were given a flu vaccine that was only meant for adults and were instructed by their supervisor to administer it to children. One nurse read the insert and realized that the vaccine wasn’t meant for children, and…

  • When I grow up I want to be a nurse

    If you think being a nurse is all about drawing blood and taking blood pressures, you should read this article from the University of Washington. Still thinking that nursing isn’t all that exciting? Read ERnursey’s true story about delivering a baby in a truck last weekend.

  • More on Nurse-Patient Ratios

    Hiring One Extra Nurse Might Help Hospitals Save Lives Whoever that One Extra Nurse is, he or she must be pretty darn efficient. ( ;