• Dirty Hotel Secrets

    So you think you picked up a bug the last time you flew on a plane? Think again. It just might have been from the hotel you stayed at.

  • 12 Days of Christmas…

    …in the hospital, that is. Thank you, First Do No Harm, for reminding me that even though I currently do not have 2 pennies to rub together, at least I don’t have to work on Christmas.

  • Nursing Shortage: A Possible Solution

    Online classes combined with hospital based training – could this be the answer? There is a New Jersey hospital system that it proposing a new plan. It consists of a two year program where the students attend one 12 hour clinical day per week at a participating hospital, and the hospital is responsible for training…

  • A Day in the Life of a Pain Treatment Center Nurse

    So last week I worked in a pain treatment center. Here is a typical patient encounter: Bring the patient back for her procedure. Ask and record her pain level. Take her vital signs. Ask when the last time she took her aspirin or coumadin was. Ask her if their current med list is up to…

  • 20 Nurse Blog Inspirations

    We all have times when we can’t think of anything to blog about. Inspiration is not always easy to come by. If it was we’d all go around, well, inspired all the time, with our heads in the clouds. So don’t let the cobwebs settle on your blog. Here are 20 things for a nurse…

  • More Links about Second Life used in Nursing Schools

    Here’s a blog written by a group of students using Second Life for their fundamentals of nursing class: Nursing 211: Second Life Medical Field Trips Also, here’s a news article about using emergency room simulations in Second Life for nursing students: Area nursing students work in cyberspace ER And finally, here’s the link to the…