• Nurse Tchotchke Time: Winter Edition

    I took this photo with my lightbox thingamajig. It’s one of my many nurse tchotchke Christmas ornaments. So here we have a nurse dressed up as snowman, wielding a big fat syringe. I wonder what she’s got in there and who she plans to administer it to. Perhaps a reindeer-sized flu vaccine?

  • Hypertension: Are you a Dipper or Non-Dipper?

    When I read this headline… Study: Timing of Pills Might Matter …my first thought was, “Well, isn’t that obvious? Why else do nurses rush to get all their medications given by the correct administration time?” But then I realized it’s not about being “on time,” rather it’s about the “timing” of the meds. The article…

  • Notify House Officer: The Art of Interrupting

    Here’s some advice for the new ICU nurse. Here’s an example of some of your orders: Notify House Officer (NHO) if HR 100 NHO if MAP < 60 NHO if 02 sat < 92% and so on and so on… One of the challenges of a new nurse in the ICU is learning when to…

  • MyNursingUniforms.com: A Great Place to Buy Scrubs

    I’d like to welcome a new sponsor of PixelRN.com – MyNursingUniforms.com. According to their website, they began as a family business over 50 years ago as a seamstress shop across from a hospital in the small town of Wilmington, Delaware. Over the years they have evolved into a web-based business, and have been selling nursing…

  • Random Things: I’ve been tagged!

    Warning: This post has absolutely nothing to do with nursing. Thanks to BillyBob, my favorite liver blogger, for tagging me. I was born in Japan (on a naval base) and hope to one day return there for a visit. I once put all of my belongings in storage and went on a three month road…

  • For Narcissist who has everything…

    Need some Christmas gift ideas? This company will produce artwork based on your DNA sample.