• Food for thought for the nurse who is feeling burned out…

    “In order to burn out, a person needs to have been on fire at one time” -Ayala Pines

  • Healing a Different Kind of Pain

    I really appreciate the comments I’ve gotten after blogging about the pain treatment center. It really is a nice place to work and I’ve learned that chronic pain patients require a special kind of care. But the day that I worked there I also took part in healing a different kind of pain. I went…

  • Beware of Prejudging Your Patients

    You go in for a procedure that will give you some relief from the chronic pain you’ve been cursed with. You voice a complaint to the medical receptionist. The receptionist in turn says to the tech who will check your blood pressure, “Watch out, this one is crazy.” Perhaps you voice another complaint to the…

  • A Really Simple Guide to RSS Feeds

    It occurred to me that some of you might be reading this blog but haven’t yet subscribed. (that means you, Mom!) I love the convenience of reading all of my blogs with a feed reader. It lends organization to the massive amounts of info that we are exposed to on a daily basis. In short,…

  • The Worst Shift That Never Was

    It was doomed before it even began. I asked my agency if the hospital would offer some sort of orientation other than the few online courses they provided. The answer was no. I talked to the shift supervisor at the hospital and she assured me that this was normal. She said, “The charge nurse will…

  • Did I just see my grandmother on Facebook?

    Facebook for old people, found via Seth Godin’s blog.