• Digital Coach (slash) Nurse?

    I think I’ve found a new career option: Digital Coach. According to Seth Godin digital coaches are… “…people who charge $100 an hour to hear what you do and how you do it and then show you how to do it better. People who organize data and put it in the right place. People who…

  • In with Social Networking, Out with Google Adsense

    Isn’t it fun having a sidebar? I love rearranging mine – It’s like moving the furniture around but without the muscle strain. Today I decided to dispose of all of my Google Adsense ads because quite frankly, my dears, I don’t think I will ever hit the $100 threshold. Instead I’ve installed a new social…

  • Thank You, Blogosphere

    Thank you, blogosphere for all of your comments re: How to console someone. You know, it’s been a crazy, crazy year – lots of ups and downs. Actually mostly one big “up” (Benjamin) and many smaller “downs” that have been eating away at my resilience. I’ve had some financial problems that have forced me to…

  • Urban Legend ER

    Take a look at the Urban Legend ER, where they triage for falling pennies, pop rocks, and bathtub kidney transplants.

  • Change of Shift Reminder

    I’m hosting Change of Shift here at PixelRN.com on Thursday, January 24th. Please send in your submissions by noon on the previous Wednesday. You can email them to BETH at PIXELRN dot COM or you can submit through Blog Carnival using this link. I am quite excited to be hosting here at PixelRN (but also…

  • Have you heard the one about the Tooth and the Chest Tube?

    My patient had a front tooth that looked broken. There was just a tiny bit of white part sticking out of his gum. He told me how it got that way. He said that the last time he was in the hospital he had a chest tube placed and they had a problem getting it…