Why Being Alive is Not Necessarily Required for Hospital Admittance…

Medics baffled as ‘dead’ man found breathing

So the patient arrested, was worked on for 30 minutes, but to no avail. He was pronounced dead, but then started breathing again as he was being prepared for the morgue.

Yes, folks this actually happens. I’ve never actually seen it happen with such a good outcome, (usually after someone is “worked on” for 30 minutes one wonders how many of those minutes the patient’s brain received oxygen), but in this case the man was reported to be “in good spirits,” after re-joining us in this earthly life.

Here’s a story that’s closer to my reality: One time we got this patient from the ER. Patient cardiac arrested, staff worked on her for 45 minutes, pronounced her dead. Then, when they were preparing to take the patient to the morgue, someone “thought” they saw her chest rise and fall with a breath. They jump started her heart once again with drugs, started externally pacing her, and transferred her to the MICU. I don’t think that she even had a pulse. (With patients like that, no wonder the MICU gets such a bad rap). The reasoning behind the transfer? The MICU would maintain this patient on life support so the family could come and say goodbye, and THEN take her off life support.

Does anyone else see something wrong with this scenario?

Would you want your family to see you like this? And would you want your family to have to be the ones to take you off life support?



