Was Dr. Seuss influenced by Jane Austen?

Each time I read “Green Eggs and Ham” to my 5 month old son I am struck by the similarities to “Pride and Prejudice.”

It’s currently his favorite book. Actually it’s the only book his 5 month old attention span can absorb so I try to read it to him every day. Over and over again, Sam I Am tries to convince… umm “the other guy” to try his verdant delicacy and each time he is turned down until finally, in a swirling sea of turmoil, “the other guy” relents and gives it a try. Surprise! He likes it! Each time the ending just gives me chills.







One response to “Was Dr. Seuss influenced by Jane Austen?”

  1. Frankie Avatar

    I totally agree with you on this one. He is a true inspiration to me and my kids too.