They May Be the Hottest Nurses…

…but how fast can they start an IV?

The ever vigilant Center for Nursing Advocacy has brought it to my attention that the honorable firefighters and EMTs of my town have participated in a poll to determine which hospital has the hottest nurses.

How dare they! Thankfully we have Laura Vozzella of the Baltimore Sun to eloquently point out the irony of firefighters asking this question while their own “department is reeling from a fatal, flawed training exercise, and two fire unions are calling for the chief’s resignation.”


Is it just me or did he just steal that look from Derek Zoolander?

I’m just a little peeved because as of this viewing, the Greatest Hospital Of All Time (GHOAT) has only received 3.97% of the vote and Shock Trauma is winning by a large margin. *Sigh.* That’s always been the story here in Charm City. Shock Trauma gets all the glory (and all the wounded policeman, firefighters, and appearances on Discovery Health Channel), while GHOAT just gets a plethora of mystery diseases and wealthy sheiks.

But then again maybe it’s just their cute pink scrubs.

At any rate, pixelRN would like to refrain from opining further but as usual will leave you with a true story:

Not too long ago we received a transfer from another hospital. The patient was critical but stable, and had arrived via helicopter. As I was charting the arrival of this patient I noticed a larger than usual number of staff helping out. Every available nurse was in the room, not to mention respiratory therapists, physical therapists, heck I think there was even an aromatherapist in there. And every last one of these happy helpers were of the female persuation. The cause for all this extreme helpfulness? The flight nurse who had brought the patient in was male, and QUITE easy on the eyes.

So please take a minute to stop and think the next time you go and purchase your sexy firefighter calender.



