Everyone from the drug reps to nursing admin to the docs know that the way to nurses’ hearts is through their stomachs. I wish I could report that this was another one of those nurse-y stereotypes, but I have seen living proof of this. Just drop in on any unit during Nurse’s Appreciation Week and you will be greeted with a buffet that could rival Luby’s. And I can attest to this personally because as I walk through the halls of the hospital with my bag o’ flu shots, I am often greeted with the phrase, “Got any candy?” Nurses are constantly being showered with candy, cake, donuts, take-out food, baked goods, and other assorted goodies, and as a result of this, it is damn near impossible to lose weight while working in the hospital.
So I was happy to read this story about a group of nurses who have decided to take a stand against the feeding frenzy:
Diet on, brothers and sisters! You are an inspiration to us all.