The 2 Faces of Facebook


Any other nurse bloggers out there on Facebook?

I was recently urged to create a Facebook profile by the CEO of the new company I’m working for. I hadn’t done so previously; I’d always thought of Facebook as the vehicle for teens and twentysomethings to keep in touch and share photos of themselves drinking out of plastic cups. But then I created my profile and began to realize that there’s a real dichotomy here.

There’s the Facebook of my early twentysomething cousin, Amy, “Oh Hey Cuz!” and “get me a girlfriend drink,” and then there is the Facebook of my new CEO, who’s friends list is filled with silicon valley entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.

But there’s no one in between.

Where’s the girl I sat behind in Trigonometry?
(Archbishop Prendergast, class of ’88 – nobody).

Where’s my old college roommate who used to dye her hair green?
(Loyola College, Maryland, class of ’92 – nobody)

Where’s my study partner from pathophysiology?
(U of MD school of nursing, class of ’04 – nobody)

Where are my MICU coworkers?
(the Greatest Hospital Of All Time – okay, I found two. We’ll see if they will agree to be my friend.)

Amy has 266 friends.
CEO has 215 friends.

I’ve got a long way to go.

And speaking of dichotomies, I’ve started a new blog, purely for my own pleasure. It’s called Inspired by two things:

(1) Chris Anderson’s book about the new marketplace: The Long Tail

(2) and this delightful creature known as “Cabbage Dog”:

The concept is simple: Find something awesomely good at etsy and then find its evil twin/counterpart on ebay. I am open to submissions!



