Score Another Point for Concierge Medicine…

Just got back from my (former) OB’s office. Seems that they still have not released over my medical records to the midwife. They’ve had three weeks to do so. They told me that I had to fill out their form (rather than accepting my midwife’s form which I had already submitted to them) and then wait 10-14 days. I requested if there was any way to speed things up in light of the fact that I was already 36 weeks pregnant.

The reply: “Nope. And all of this was made clear to you in your welcome packet.”

SNOO-TEE!!!! Despite the fact that I wanted to slap the receptionist, I politely filled out the form, handed it back, and thanked my lucky stars that there really wasn’t anything in my pregnancy record that would have deviated from the normal. Well, except for that one extra pound I gained back at week 25 but I think everyone’s just going to have to work around that.

At any rate I was thinking how nice it would be to have all my medical records on a customized website (like MDVIP provides).

My dream is that someday everyone will have access to their medical records without having to deal with snooty receptionists.



