The Cost of Implementing EMRs
A NYT article today points out some of the current problems with digitizing health records. It focuses on the potential for fraud and abuse by hospitals around coding and billing. But what about the potential for abuse by the companies that sell EMR technology?
Nurses: Where are the Jobs?
This past year I was ready to go back to work after a long (too long!) hiatus. Sadly, after an extensive job search, I was not successful in finding a nursing job. But the good news is that I’m ready to share my 20/20 hindsight perspective! So where are all the jobs?
The Opt Out Nurse Wants Back in
Back in August this NYT magazine article about the opt out moms wanting back in caught my attention and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Basically, in the earlier part of the millenium, many successful women decided to opt out of their careers in order to raise children. Now that the economy has changed,…
Memories of a Nursing School Weblog
I wrote this over on my fargo blog about a weblog I made in nursing school in 2004. It was basically the precursor to this blog. I think my favorite part of the experience was this: “I came across another professor showing the site to her class. “And look at this – you can click…
Why I’ll Probably Quit Nursing
UPDATE: If you want to read my latest post on quitting nursing, it’s here. The bottom line? Don’t beat yourself up over your decision. And have a game plan before you quit. There was an old post with this title that I wrote in 2008. For some reason google loves to serve it up when…