I am now back in full swing with this site. This morning I am launching a new column called “The Pulse,” which highlights the latest posts from the nurse blogosphere. Check out the “Nurses Who Blog” list on the right hand column. These are the blogs that OrientedX3 subscribes too. If you have a nurse blog and don’t see it on the list, please let me know and I will subscribe to that as well. The idea here is to be comprehensive and not exclusive.
In other news:
Nursingjobs.org kicks off their new blog column today with nurse blogger extrordinaire, Kim McAllister. Added bonus: We get to see what Kim looks like! I’ve always pictured her as her pixellated avatar.
And don’t forget: the Nurse Conference Call with US Rep. Jan Schakowsky today.
What a great way to kick off National Nurses Week 2007!
And in honor of nurses week, PixelRN will leave you with some interesting stats, courtesy of the good old US dot GOV.
- 2.4 million – Number of registered nurses in the United States. (Damn, that’s a whole lotta tchotchkes!)
- 92% – Percentage of registered nurses who are women.
- 623,000 – Projected growth in the number of registered nurses between 2002 and 2012. It is expected that registered nurses will experience the largest job growth of any occupation during this time period.
- 531,000 – Number of licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses.
- 1,181 – Number of nurses per 100,000 residents in Massachusetts, the highest rate among states. (The District of Columbia has 1,498.) Nevada, with 517, has the lowest rate.
- 1.8 million – Number of nursing, psychiatric and home health aides.