I’m back and I have news…

It’s been awhile, I know. Let me fill you in. As some of you may know from reading an earlier post, I was beginning a round of IVF. Well, it worked! I am currently 11 weeks pregnant. Despite the frustration in the beginning, when it actually came time to do the egg retrieval and the transfer, everything went surprisingly smooth. It was actually kind of interesting and yes, fun. It’s ended up being a great experience. The most difficult part was waiting the two weeks in between to take the pregnancy test. I suppose the last 10 weeks have been difficult in that all I could think about was getting over that 12 week hump and thus significantly decreasing the risk of miscarriage. I’m quite sure every woman goes through that when she conceives but I think it may have been slightly more difficult for myself. You see, we have been trying for over two years so when the postive test came back I just didn’t quite believe it. And because they never really diagnosed our infertility, I kept thinking, this it, I ‘m probably going to miscarry. But the little one is still here with me. I know because I heard the heartbeat this morning. So even though I am 5 days away from the magic 12 week number, I’m starting to feel much more secure about the whole thing.

I’m sure everyone’s heard about the fatigue associated with early pregnancy. I’m feeling it but it’s not what I thought it would be. When I go to work I feel great. I have energy and motivation. I’m not thinking about being pregnant. I go about my job with a sense of purpose. It’s only when I have a day off that I can’t get out of bed and I feel this strange but wonderful lack of motivation. It’s as if all my energies need to be focused on maintaining the pregnancy so I just lie there on the couch, watching TV, reading, and eating. It’s heavenly laziness and I deserve it. Of course, I’m also walking a lot because I obviously need exercise and so does my dog.

Hence, the lack of blogging. Blogging is not needed to maintain the pregnancy, therefore it falls by the wayside. But like I said, I continue to work, and the MICU is never a dull place. Blogworthy things continue to happen and I will be recording them in the very near future.



