Hillary Clinton: Nurse for a Day

I wonder what makes ol’ Hil think she can pull this off? Last time I checked, it took 2-4 years to train to be a nurse, not to mention an extensive orientation period.

According to the article, “The Clinton campaign hasn’t released any information about what nursing duties she is willing to perform – and which, if any, are entirely off the table.” How much would you like to wager that she will not be touching any bedpans? And on that note, what nursing duties can you actually perform without the proper training?

This is a cheap publicity stunt for both Hillary Clinton and the Service Employees International Union (which no doubt is a big contributer to her campaign). If Clinton were really serious about getting nurses’ perspectives on reforming health care, she would sit down and actually have a serious conversation with a group of nurses. Spending a day waltzing around the hospital with cameras following her is an insult to the nursing profession.



