It’s official. I’ve left my position at NursingLink. Let’s just say my philosophy and the company’s philosophy were never really aligned. Or to put in nursing terms, I just wasn’t on board with the “plan of care.”
What was the deciding factor that made me resign? My boss actually told me that he “detected an attitude from me.” I haven’t heard anything quite like that since I was a senior in Catholic High School and Sister Mary caught me cutting class to hang out at Dunkin Donuts. Anyway, I’m a nurse. I save lives (sometimes) and when I’m not saving lives I am helping people through some of the worst times of their life. And I’m good at it. So of course I have a G.D attitude. Show me a nurse who doesn’t.
(So can you see why I never made it as a web designer? How can someone with an attitude like mine ever expect to pay their dues among the enlightened few who choose to work for internet start-ups?)
A glimmer of light from this whole experience? I no longer look down at my scrubs and feel like an impostor. Now I look down at my scrubs and realize that being a nurse is what I was meant to do.
My future plans include taking care of my baby, working part-time at GHOAT, and blogging, so expect more brilliant and enlightening stories of life and death in the MICU.