In with Social Networking, Out with Google Adsense

Isn’t it fun having a sidebar? I love rearranging mine – It’s like moving the furniture around but without the muscle strain. Today I decided to dispose of all of my Google Adsense ads because quite frankly, my dears, I don’t think I will ever hit the $100 threshold. Instead I’ve installed a new social networking widget that I saw at (The new nursing blog brought to you by my favorite flight nurse, crzegrl.

So it’s a lazy, cold Sunday here on the East coast and I am intermittently watching the NFL playoffs and and binging on Facebook and Twitter friends. Incidentally if you would like befriend me, just use the new widget in my left sidebar to click through to my profile.

Oh yeah, and nursing stories… There is one particular patient encounter that I have been thinking about all weekend. The only problem is that each time I start to strip away all of the patient details, (to comply with HIPPA) there’s not much to the story. Dontcha hate it when that happens?



